Silent PP Pipes
Silent PP Pipes
OTC wavin silent low noise pp pipes Qatar

Wavin AS is mineral reinforced polypropylene Plastic sound insulating soil and waste water piping system(Made in Germany). Wavin pipe is suitable for drainage of hot and cold waste water and it complies with all requirements for non-pressurized waste water piping as laid down in DIN EN 12056 and DIN 1986-100.

When low noise is a building requirement, the Wavin AS system provides the best performance of any plastic pipe. As the world leader, it is the most frequently installed low noise system. Wavin offers advanced tools for noise prediction too, helping ensure your choices meet the required sound level.

People want the plumbing in their buildings to be silent. In many cases, acceptable noise levels are specified. Wavin offers you a complete and well-established range of drainage systems with noise reducing properties.